Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Proposed Route

Our route and itinerary has been quite loosely planned with no firm dates, other than when we leave and when we come home. The map shows the proposed route, with a couple of options in the Snowy Mountains and northern New South Wales. I’ve ridden some of the Snowy Mountains before, and it very spectacular, but the Great Alpine Road from Lakes Entrance to Mt Beauty via Omeo will be new territory. The zig-zag route back and forth across the Great Divide has been suggested to me by a mate who once lived and worked in Sydney. I'm told it is some of the best riding in Australia. I’m expecting Marcelo to head home from Sydney. Fish and Steve will stay with me up as far as Rockhampton, when we will part company. They are planning on heading west to Longreach and then home. I’ll be travelling on my own from Rockhampton. I’m actually quite looking forward to being on my own, and anticipate meeting lots of fellow travellers who I may not have spoken to it I was still in a group.

There are some potential problems to be dealt with. Flooding closed the Barkley Highway from Townsville to Tennant Creek a couple of weeks ago and it’s still closed in a number of places. The whole road actually got washed away west of the border at a major river crossing, and that has only opened a few days ago. I’ll be there towards the end of the wet season, so hopefully I’ll get through OK. If there’s another tropical cyclone, I may have to rethink going to Darwin, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Cairns currently has an epidemic of Dengue Fever, with over 200 cases reported. This is a fever which is spread by mozzies and can be quite debilitating and even fatal on rare occasions. There have also been a number of reported cases in and around Townsville. Other than not going to those areas, the only way to protect myself is to cover up, and wear plenty of mozzie repellent.

Stay tuned as departure day gets closer and final preparations are made…………

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pete, this is a good idea. I've added your blog to my feed so I can follow your adventures. Looking forward to it
